Global CISO, Nation-State level Advisor on Cyber Security and Blockchain matters, Cyber Security Researcher, CEO of Naoris Cyber Blockchain

David Joao Vieira Carvalho

David Carvalho is a rare accomplished leader and innovator. He advises various nation-states and and national highly regulated environments on the critical areas of Cyber Espionage, Cyber War and Cyber Terrorism. He is heavily involved in several BlockChain-Based projects and Cybersecurity-related innovations.

Leveraging hands-on skills with lateral thinking and an innovative mind, David is currently the CEO of Naoris SE, the worlds first Cybersecurity Blockchain-based Ecosystem.

David advises a large number of crypto and cyber-security projects from startups to multi-billion USD businesses and nation-state level projects, who are changing the world. His five areas of focus are risk mitigation, next-gen cyber-security, ethical wealth generation, Innovation and creation of value on the fields of crypto, automation and AI.

David also helps selected traditional businesses with business transformation programmes, maximising intangible assets, embracing innovation while mitigating risk.

David is an experienced Chief Information Security Officer in multi-billion USD companies, has worked in Cyber-Security since he was 15 years old, with over 20 years of direct cyber security experience, David focuses on looking at traditional problems through an innovative lens, providing actionable Cyber-Security strategy focused on the future.


Κωνσταντίνος Τσαντάς, Τ: +30 210 6617777  (εσωτ. 230), Μ: 6945872027, Ε: [email protected]

Λίζα Αντωνιάδη, Τ: +30 210 6617777  (εσωτ. 158), Ε: [email protected]

Γρηγόρης Γραμμένος, Μ: 6982096319, Ε: [email protected]


  Κλεισθένους 338, 15344, Γέρακας, Αττική, Ελλάδα
  +30 210 6617777
  +30 210 6617778